Happiness comes to those who wait.

Its been a while since i did my last post but I've had less time than i thought i would have. Anyway, I recently finished my catering assistant job at Download Festival, and it was such a good opportunity! Perks of the job included valuable experience and of course an all access wrist band thanks to the lovely security guard ;) Came back home to receive more good news that my mom is going to be FINE! :D couldn't actually be happier right now, and to top it off i have a ton of job interviews for more work hours so that I can continue to save for America and all of the other exciting things i'm planning to do this year and next year! I really do believe the saying that, 'happiness come to those who wait' and more so now that it has happened to me, and here is a visual representation edited by my amazing boyfriend of how happy i am right now :P I hope it brightens your day too and may all the happiness in the world come your way. xo

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"Beautiful Romantic" 21 year old Yorkshire Girl living in Derby American Studies student at UoD
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