Next step: Summer!

So, I've just finished my first year of University! and have come to the realization that I now have a lot of free time on my hands for the next few months, (not complaining though!) therefore, I think starting a blog will be a very fun and creative outlet for my overactive mind and growing love of all things beautiful :) My plans for the summer will be entirely dependent on whether my summer job applications are a success (fingers crossed!), besides this i plan on writing, catching up on some much needed literature and enjoying time with family and friends and my break away from the mass of Uni work which will no doubt be right back on the agenda before i know it! that will be all for my first ever blog post, but i promise to continue to post more beautiful things for you beautiful people. stay classy bloggers. xo

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"Beautiful Romantic" 21 year old Yorkshire Girl living in Derby American Studies student at UoD
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