The city of love.

One of my main plans for this summer is a trip to Paris, the most Romantic city in the world. I found this corsage on ebay and thought it would be perfect to go with my cute Japanese cocktail dress; i plan on wondering around the city of love without a care in the world for a few magical nights.
Did you ever see that episode of Sex and the City: An American girl in Paris? where Carrie moves to paris with Alexander Petrovsky and casually wonders around Paris in a Dior dress? Well, there is nothing more that i would like to do right now then dress up and roam around such a beautiful city. Paris is always featured as the place of magic, love and romance and i'm the biggest sucker for these fairytale traits! I have been there once before but was too young to fully appreciate the things that i saw, so i wan't to return and act out my beautiful fantasy under the Paris moonlight with a special someone by my side. In the childlike words of Anastasia herself, we will be "together in Paris". Thanks for reading :) xo

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"Beautiful Romantic" 21 year old Yorkshire Girl living in Derby American Studies student at UoD
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